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May 26, 2020

The charge nurse is the boots-on-the-ground leader and a role model for a unit. It can be a stressful job, but it can also be fun and empowering as you gain knowledge and experience.

In this episode, we chat about charge nurse responsibilities and share some tips for new charge nurses. 

Show notes are located here:

May 18, 2020

We don’t stay new nurses forever. And some of our earliest Fresh RNs are now precepting newbies of their own! In this episode, we discuss when to start precepting, your role as a new nurse preceptor, and the challenges that come along with it.

Show notes are located here:

May 12, 2020

At the very beginning of nursing school, we learn basic care of our patients: turning, intake and output, oral care, and so forth. Once we reach the bedside, we tend to become focused on the more complex tasks of nursing care, and those basics can fall by the wayside.

In this episode we return to the basics, discussing...

May 5, 2020

Most hospitals have some form of Rapid Response Team that can be called when patients are becoming unstable to bring people and resources to the bedside quickly.

In this episode, we discuss when to call a Rapid Response, what happens once one is called, and some of our own experiences calling or responding to them.
